Category Archives: Essays, Stories and Poems

Loyalty – Dogs and Humans do share a special bond

Hawkeye at his master's funeral

Lisa Pembleton, Navy Seal Tumilson’s cousin: Hawkeye is/was his loyal “son”. To say that he was an amazing man doesn’t do him justice. The loss of Jon to his family, military family and friends is immeasurable. I hadn’t planned on taking any pictures other than with family. However, from my seat
at the funeral, I felt compelled to take one photo to share with
family members that couldn’t make it or couldn’t see what I could from the aisle. This is that photo…

While the particular circumstances of this photo leaves some doubt (more here) about the accuracy of all the interpretation about this on the internet, this image does touch something on a very deep level.

Photo K9 Storm

 Beautiful photo report on war dogs

It can help significantly for the dog(s) to see the dead body. This is also true for many cats. Allowing them this opportunity to “view the body” helps them come to terms with the reality of another’s demise. How and what they process cognitively in terms of death we can only guess. But we do know that many animals showing distress before they view the body become more settled afterwards. – Dr. Fox,


The Animal’s Savior – by Jim Willis

The Animal’s Savior

I looked at all the caged animals in the shelter…the cast-offs of human society.
I saw in their eyes love and hope, fear and dread, sadness and betrayal.
And I was angry.

“God,” I said, “this is terrible! Why don’t you do something?”
God was silent for a moment and then He spoke softly.
“I have done something,” He replied.
“I created You.”

Copyright Jim Willis 1999 – 2004

The (misguided) Monk and the Dog

Animal lovers and activists can be at various moral and cognitive levels. This video speaks to a certain kind of spiritual practitioner, his conscience and opening of his heart to include someone else in his life and practice – who unexpectedly shows up one day …
This is the touching story, beautiful and worth watching, you won’t regret it:

Just love me – a bit bull’s poem

by The Urban Animal Alliance

– Just Love Me – Cause I will protect the kids – And go outside to handle my biz – I am smart when trained right – I don’t want you to have fear that I will bite – I love treats and get excited when you guys eat – Cause I know that I will get a piece – Just Love Me –
The Urban Animal Alliance

Can you hear the rap in this?

This is a great video if you love dogs, love pit bulls or Continue reading Just love me – a bit bull’s poem

The compassionate non-vegetarian?

You mean an animal lover who eats meat? Is that possible or an oxymoron?

Hi - I see you

Since I can remember, I have always loved animals, even though the only ones we ever had at home were a couple of parakeets, and my sister had a hamster. Once we found an injured wild baby rabbit which we nursed back to health and then set free. We explored the world of frogs and tadpoles in neighborhood marshes.

We delighted in Continue reading The compassionate non-vegetarian?

In Love with a dog – Skye – German shepherd husky

I am essentially still speechless.

The adventure and voyage with her only lasted 7 intense months. I am changed, and the course of my life has changed. And I am her – not separate – in the deepest heart of hearts. In essence, she will go with me to any manifest world. I had always known her and I always will. There is no time, (there)  where I am her.

The passage/tribute below was first posted in a FB photo folder titled: What is Art? It is a testimonial of what and who she is:

♥ She IS Art – sculpted and painted by nature and imbued with a big spirit by creation itself.
She IS Continue reading In Love with a dog – Skye – German shepherd husky